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Halloween: All Hall No!

Many Christians are against observing Halloween. Some are fine with it. And there are those who are somewhere in-between viewpoints, therefore tailor a celebration to fit their perspective. What's a believer to do? With conflicting takes on the holiday, what is a follower of Christ supposed to do?

Maybe this post will help you make your decision.

You'll find the content informative and thorough, personal and bold. I try to cover all aspects of this holiday- history, Scripture, personal experiences and facts. This is a long one, so grab a cup of coffee and dive in.

When summer is barely coming to a close, we already see costume shops getting set up and foam pumpkins on the shelves at drug stores. Craft stores fill up with Fall smells and orange galore! Yes, it’s the end of August... time to gear up for that traditional, ever-loved time: Autumn... which also means: Halloween 🎃


On New Year’s Day we are celebrating the new year. On the Fourth of July (Independance Day) we are commemorating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence.

On Valentine’s Day we recognize the ones we love. On Thanksgiving we acknowledge what we’re thankful for.

On Memorial Day we honor the U.S. military personnel who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces.

And the list goes on…

So, I'm curious- what exactly are we celebrating on Halloween? No doubt people are celebrating and acknowledging something. Do they even know what? Do WE?

Halloween was always my favorite holiday. Honestly, I can’t recall a dull Halloween. I was raised Catholic, but celebrating Halloween was fine with that religion. However, many Christians (but not all) believe that participating in Halloween is wrong- a form of involvement in the worthless deeds of evil, and an abomination onto God for reveling in darkness. Others consider the modern-day holiday activities to be harmless fun. What say you?

I'll double down on something I've mentioned in past posts- which is what really bothers me with these kinds of issues... it's the fact Christians are not in agreeance. The Bible is the final say and authority, but when we differ on points, that leaves so much room for people to argue, cry hypocrisy, and confuse those who do -or are considering- following Christ. Romans 15:6 declares believers should be in one accord. Seems doubtful that will happen, but we certainly need to take a stand in issues such as this, seeing the Lord says He'd rather us be cold or hot than lukewarm.

2 Tim 3:16-17 states that all Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.

So, as you read this post, please know that I too, am writing with the Holy Spirit for that same teaching in righteousness, so that you may be compete and equipped in your walk. It's written for information for you to add on to what you already know, so that you can make a decision that's right for you. The post is certainly not for debate or to ensure an argument or clash of the opinions.


In October there are mass parties, events, kids dress up, lit pumpkins on porches and sheet-ghosts hanging on trees, fake cobwebs don properties and spooky shows invade television. But are we commemorating something on Halloween? Yes, undeniably we are: darkness. Are we celebrating something? By all means, we are: evil. Now, most will tell you NO– that's not true at all. But look around you: the stores, the TV shows, the neighborhoods- what do you see?

Now, please know this blog isn’t to say people are evil, nor is Halloween... but on Halloween, even if we’re not purposely rejoicing in evil- when we participate, we are certainly jubilating with darkness!

How so? – Read on.

I will hear soooo many people deny the connection of Halloween to evil. This comes from their viewpoint. But is it fact?

I ask you: Can the blind recognize darkness?

Many times, lack of knowledge is what allows most to believe Halloween is all fun and games, and to many, it simply is. What's in our hearts and minds is to be taken into consideration, but once you have the knowledge, then the responsibility is to make a decision on what's right and what isn't.

Most make light of what’s evil. Perhaps because they don't actually believe in true evil. But through the last couple of decades, the lines of what is immoral and wrong have been blurred, and darkness has crept in. It's just as when the sun begins to set... slowly we lose light, and unless we're focused on that sun going down, it's dark before you know it. We then don't miss the sun- we just adapt to the lack of light. This world no longer recognizes darkness because it lives in it. Their hearts have adjusted. But when the light of truth is shown, many are blinded and turn away.

Being scared is sought out and enjoyed at this time of year. I can tell you as someone who comes from an occult background- I have seen REAL evil, and it’s certainly nothing to enjoy!


In a much bolder and diverse 2023, we now hear more than a handful actually admit that for them, this holiday is to observe gods and goddesses; and to others, it's an excuse to play with and be part of taboo things (as if the holiday gives the right). Bust out the horror flicks, Ouija boards, ghost tours, demon obsessions and haunted house events! And the last few years, rather than kids trick or treating, I've seen more adults participating in drunken wild fun. It's almost become an acceptable excuse for adults to be out of control and immoral, and "it's okay, because it's only once a's all in the name of Halloween". And the kids see that. They are being shown and taught this is acceptable. And sadly, maybe to some it is.

The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eyes are unhealthy, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness! “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. -Matthew 6:22-24

I used to be ignorant to the truths of Halloween and its blanket of macabre- its roots, its practices, its statistics... Like I stated- I was always pumped for October 31st to roll around! As a kid my mom used to dress me up and I would go trick or treating; as an adult I’d have a valid excuse to dress sleezy and hit up fun parties… I saw nothing wrong with it. It was something everyone did (well, except those “weird religious people” I once thought).

Let’s see... as a child I recall dressing up as a hillbilly, a witch, Wonder Woman, and even the 1970's candy bar, Sugardaddy. As an adult, I ranged from belly dancer to a Pink Lady from Grease. All harmless fun, right?

Well, take yourself further into experience and research. The stories I have to share, and the roots of this day may surprise you.

If you care to read on, you can at least state you have the knowledge of this time and can decide for yourself. I don’t aim to offend or gain backlash from angry mobs of Halloween lovers… I simply want others to know what I know and decide for themselves. I make no judgement to those who participate in Halloween- I just choose not to for what I know. I feel people with loud opinions only have a right to be heard if they have the education in the topic. This certainly isn’t about coming down on anyone who celebrates Halloween, but about sharing with you my experiences, knowledge and thoughts, and what the Word of God says.

Now, this is not just a viewpoint of a Christian, but, of a former pagan and occultist. Yes, I was a strong partaker in many dark spiritual undertakings (including witchcraft) so I will state nothing but facts and experience from both sides of the fence, and then you can come to a conclusion on your own if you feel this holiday “event” is something you wish to partake in or not.

With knowledge comes great responsibility. Life is all about choices, so, we all have the freedom to choose what we do, when we do it, how we do it. But also remember: all choices all have consequences, whether positive or negative. There is always a cause to an effect.


I LOVE AUTUMN! It has amazing colors, wonderful smells, awesome sunsets, and it’s time for warm drinks, flannels, fires in the pit and pumpkin farms! And of course, it gets darker sooner and less sunny days. At this time of year, it’s a time to revel in that monumental change of season- a cooling of the heat, brand new crops, leaves changing colors and falling, making way for new growth in Spring. Days tend to be a bit gloomier, and this is when the unwelcomed arrival of night is noticeably earlier.

It seems this early physical darkness brings in yet another darkness- a spiritual one, as also at this time of year, that beauty is tainted by a malevolent murkiness- an accepted elated acknowledgement of ghosts, skeletons, spiders, ghouls, witches, demons, vampires, devils, death, etc. People welcome fear! (Wow- that in itself is scary!)

Why is fear widely welcomed at this time? Scary is made a novelty because Halloween is hyped up and eases its way through every aspect of our life- from stores to schools, neighborhoods to television. Gosh- just TRY to go through a Walgreens isle without an electronic hooded skeleton jumping out at you or an audio-sensored evil pumpkin cackling at you!

People openly give the impression that they thoroughly enjoy the annual carousing in what comes along with this tradition- which includes visiting haunted attractions, hosting ghoulish-weird parties, playing pranks, telling scary stories, watching horror films…We work years calming our kids down from the boogeyman in the closet or the monster under the bed- telling them ghosts don’t exist and that the evil man in their dream isn't real… then, for one month a year, we celebrate those very things and show our kids it’s ok- for October, that is. What’s wrong with us?! What are we doing? With each passing year, it seems as though people attempt to outmatch themselves with the ghoulish yard décor or out-do each other with outlandish costumes. So, in October, things become even darker and more bizarre than the last.


It’s the norm for a mom to dress her baby in a devil costume (Uh- a cute satan?! Really?!!).

Or to see a little boy with fake dripping blood on his face because he’s supposed to represent one who preys on people by sucking the blood out of them until they die and cross over into the dark death realm (Are you serious?!). It’s acceptable for teen girls to dress as prostitutes and young men to put on the persona of a serial killer (Wow- that’s a great role model). Think I'm being too legalistic? Well, let's just call it as it is, shall we?

Mom’s dress up too! How ‘bout that pregnant zombie get-up? (Classy!) And dad! We don’t want to leave you out! You can be a pedophile priest! (Photo too offensive to show!)

There’s become so much focus on the wicked and immoral, that those breathtaking glorious Fall scenes are nowhere in mind, now.

To get the true appreciation of what this season has to offer, people flock to pumpkin farms. Pick pumpkins, take hayrides, snag Fall treats...Pumpkin farms are fantastic to take the kids to!

But WHY must they include scary things? >>> Because this is what we correlate that time of year with- Halloween, dark & scary.

So, in retrospect, THIS is what we are celebrating >>> the dark and the scary.

Some say “Well we don’t participate in the dark stuff. Our kids dress up as cute things, and they just go for the fun and the candy.” Ok, I do get that… but we really can’t keep our kids from seeing the horrific images out there, much less have to explain to them why most of what they see in décor and costumes and shows is wicked. To say it's ok for one day can be confusing for kids.

What our eyes see project what our minds tell us.

The only thing I fear at this time is what we're instilling in our kids and what we say as a society. Is this setting our kids up to become numb to evil, and not being able to recognize it…which in turn can leave them a victim to it. And sadly, that is what's happening. If we continue to allow it, we're part of the problem.

What we allow ourselves to see and embrace does matter. And for that, I hate putting up some of these images. But I need people to see in this format what Halloween represents.

Evil has used Halloween to swallow up all the respectable gain in a most beautiful time of year. We literally have to grasp and hold tight to the pure and lovely things of Fall, just so that we are not to be consumed by darkness!

Am I overreacting? Halloween- in no argument- emphasizes violence and death, horror and fear. And that is beneficial to us HOW ? We’re showing our kids WHAT from this? You can take a little sugar to try and cover up that poison taste, but is it going to change that it’s lethal? Will the sweet taste make us immune to the effects of poison? No.

That poison masked with sugar- sooner or later it will expose itself in one way or another. Even though it tastes sweet, it’s results will always be harmful! Maybe not the first dose, or the second, but no doubt sooner or later.

For a simple overview, let’s just list some things in which we tie into Halloween: Death-ghosts, skeletons, grim reaper Evil-devils, vampires, serial killers Monsters– ghouls, zombies, werewolves, evil jack o’ lantern Fright-Witches, black, cats, bats, blood, black, graveyards, spiders, cobwebs


It’s not a coincidence that October is National Crime Prevention Month. Crime rates are higher in October. (Hmmm- wonder why?) Celebrating in darkness invites darkness.

Coming again from a supernatural investigator, I can tell you there’s a spiritual aspect to our reveling in this “fun”.

As someone who worked in the field of the paranormal many years, hearing pleas for assistance (hauntings, nightmares, mental illness, spiritual oppression) -all these elements skyrocket at this time of year! WHY? Supernatural doors are opened at this time. It creates more violence, anger, darkness, fear and crime is the offspring of that.

Due to my experience in the occult, I have also worked with law enforcement, and I can state that crime activity in it is definitely high in October. And they do find many satanic, ritualistic altars and paraphernalia connected with crimes at this time of year, as well.

What is being unleashed in the spiritual when we practice dark elements in the physical?

I’ll give you one guess...

I’m telling you unclean spirits are loosed immensely with all the bizarre dark things sought out.

If just for a moment we can get beyond ourselves, let's explore more...

Walk into a Walgreens in October- take a look at the things displayed. Have you noticed the morbid lawn ornaments? The beyond realistic terror in TV shows? How dark are our spirits that we’d find darkness entertaining?

In this day and age, perhaps these things aren’t just accepted, but considered cool and amusing now. The enemy of our soul (the original angel of death– not the one Halloween Express dreamt up) has taken over the minds and hearts of people.

Hey, I admit it- I dig some of those spooky myths represented in lighter films, such as Hocus Pocus, Beetlejuice, and even Abbot & Costello Meets Frankenstein lol But, I don’t care for anything realistically eerie, such as slashing serial killers and demons terrorizing kids. In that I take a stand and walk away.

When I hear that a fellow Christian (one who claims to be a follower of Jesus Christ) is partaking in this holiday, I’m confused. For those who do not know the history of Halloween, or care- that’s one thing… But many call out the hypocrisy in Christianity when those who say they carry the Spirit of God with them, participate in Halloween. Why? When someone who claims to love the Light of God, how are dark things attractive to them?

2 Corinthians 6:14 asks: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?

I’ve heard some lean on their religion, and how they partake in the “fun” because it’s a “holy day” deemed by their church- so it’s ok. You are always responsible for your own decisions and actions. I hear the newest term "Christian liberty" which seems like a cop-out in taking a solid stance in this holiday. Widen the gap and make it seem as if one is catering to desires rather than God's Word. Compromise has a very thin line.

BELIEFS. The general consensus of this tradition is innocent, right? Dressing up for fun, getting candy, bobbing for apples, etc. Well, perhaps we should go even DEEPER in this. Let’s turn this into a FACTOID BLOG, where we dig into the roots of Halloween...

When you go to a birthday party- don’t you want to know whose birthday it is? Or, if you receive a Christmas present- aren’t you the least bit inquisitive as to who it’s from? If we become ill with something- do we not seek a doctor’s advice and knowledge on what is going on with us? I could go on and on about what raises our curiosity. It almost borderlines a responsibility to ourselves, doesn’t it?

SO, why would anyone want to celebrate a holiday with NOT KNOWING WHAT IT’S ABOUT?! WHY would any of us wish to make an annual tradition in our life, and in our children’s lives, without fully understanding where it stems from? Isn’t it our responsibility to know? Or are we that lazy, that apathetic, that self-absorbed, that we simply don’t care? We often just do to satisfy our entertainment needs.

Or should we be apathetic and say, “WHO cares? Heck! It’s just another extra reason to have fun!” An acceptable excuse to party… All the while making up every reason and excuse as to why it’s ok, just to gratify ourselves.

I, too, hate looking in the mirror in the bright morning light- everything is exposed for what it is. But I’d much rather face the truth than overlook a false reflection. At least I can work with the imperfections and stand in ingenuity.

So here we go...


In my days of being heavily involved with the occult, I had friends who were Wiccan. And although at the time I didn’t care either way about what they practiced, they would vehemently deny the reality of evil in Halloween and their involvement in celebrating of it: We call it Halloween, they call it Samhain. Dark principalities don’t care what we call it- as long as we recognize it. It wasn’t until I got involved with practices that I realized what was really taking place…

You see, they do not view their formalities and rituals as evil, so to those who partake in it, they feel they’re being unfairly and ignorantly judged. Well, I make the Word of God my foundation for my opinions and thoughts. I use the Scripture as my compass. However, even if you don't, you may still find this info intriguing...

True practicing Wiccans are quite secretive in their rituals and side-step the topic, down-play the subject or plainly deny their involvement in them. In fact, the ones who are serious about their “religion”, are revolted at the types of celebrating that goes on at the end of October, deemed Halloween. They feel it demeans their sacred day (which as you’ll read later, religious figures adopted and molded).

They merry make moon phases, trees, Celtic traditions and covenants with goddesses. On October 31st they partake in rites and rituals for Samhain (more on that below).

Here is one “prayer” they speak while your children are out trick or treating:

Dark Mother, ruler of the night, Goddess of death and rebirth, Hear and behold Your child this night as I honor Thee and Thy realm. I stand humbly before Thee, asking for Thy blessing and favor. Lift, now, the Veil between the worlds, as this time-out-of-time begins, That I may commune with my ancestors as they journey to the Summerlands.”

They are (knowingly or unknowingly) calling out dark forces and inviting evil spirits (yes, demons) to come into our world. Do they know it? Perhaps not- but that doesn’t change the fact.

In the past, having friends who were embedded in these rites, I’m enlightened that for practicing witches, Halloween (Samhain) is one of eight “holy” days throughout the year. According to the active witches in covens I knew, they shared with me they celebrate the most important of their four major Sabbats, Samhain, on OCT-31 each year. They make it a huge to-do, and even get their children involved and in fitting apparel (which looks much like costumes but are most seriously tapping into ancient customs).

I’d like to note that those who partake the craft of Wicca and those who practice Satanism are two completely beliefs (although, again- remember > dark principalities don’t care what you call it- as long as you call).

With that being said, let me share a personal story:

Back when I was 13, in early October, my mom’s (alleged) long-lost cousin “conveniently” showed up at our apartment. I had never seen this guy before, nor had I ever heard about him. Unbeknownst to us at the time, this guy (who looked like Elvis on a bad day and sounded like Jeff Spicoli from "Fast Times at Ridgement High" -no joke!) and his “Elvira-looking” wife, were deeply involved in a satanic cult. They asked my mom and me to come to their “Halloween party” type event. It was explained to us as a "reenactment of an ancient ritual" (all in fun, of course). We’d all be wearing robes- most in black, my mom in a brown, and I, being a virgin, would be in a white robe (yes, you guess it, because I was a virgin). They attempted to entice us to accept their invite saying it was a mock ritual and how I’d be “the star” in the “fun”. It didn’t sound fun to me at all! It sounded weird and creepy! They detailed a little of what I would do: lie on a slab, and they would portray this so-called “simulated” ritual where I would be sacrificed! (Oh, ok- that's normal....NOT!) They stated it was a "huge honor". (Um, no, I'm good, thanks!)

They assured us this whole occasion was all in jest, but knowing what I know of them now, I highly doubt it. They were quite serious about their “religion”. My mom was hesitant to accept the invite, but at the peak of a lonely time in her life, she was very vulnerable. She almost took part in it, and even asked me if I wanted to. WHAT? Really?! I am so thankful it never happened! For the record: I was adamant about not partaking in it. Something inside of me told me that if I went, that would be the last time anyone saw me.((Thank-you Jesus for protecting me!))

I share all that to say, these practices do take place, and some are quite serious about their beliefs. My Wiccan friends did share a little of what took place (they do not divulge too much- not unless you join the coven). But even law enforcement will tell you their occult unit is on high alert at this time of year. Much evil takes place in our world, and especially during ancient pagan holidays. Halloween is more than a controversial and popular holiday. It extends beyond an event. It is a dark time when wicked practices ensue and glorify the malevolent adversary to our soul. He is quite real, whether we choose to acknowledge that or not. If we are to look in the Scriptures at God’s reactions to other gods, honor to them, devotion to Baal and such, we would know how God feels about anything pertaining to other gods and those rites. There is a reason- darkness should not be embraced, for it is dangerous to us.

It all sounds crazy and extreme, but just read on...

ORIGINS. All events come from a concept. All concepts start with an idea. Oftentimes, an idea is based off a belief. The Halloween traditions we have now mainly originated from the ancient Celtic people (Britons, Scots, Irish). They observed the end of summer with sacrifices to Saman (Samhain). To them he was a god they considered “the lord of death and evil spirits”.

he tradition of Saman marked the beginning of the Celtic New Year. The earliest celebrations were held by the Druids in honor of Samhain, whose festival fell on November 1st. The day devoted to him was called “The Vigil Of Saman”.

The Celts considered November 1st as being the day of death because the leaves were dying and falling off trees, it was getting darker sooner and temperatures were dropping. They believed Muck Olla, their sun god, was losing strength because Samhain was overpowering him. Therefore, they sought to protect themselves from this death as well, with sacrifices onto him.

COSTUMES. Where did this whole dressing up thing start? In addition to this event, it was believed that the night before Nov. 1st (October 31st) is when Samhain assembled the spirits of all who had died during the previous year. They thought the dead had been confined to inhabit animal bodies for the past year as punishment for their evil deeds- but, on the eve of the feast of Samhain, the dead were allowed to return to their former homes to visit the living. The people came up with the idea to wear animal masks to hide themselves by “blending in” with the evil animal spirits. Hence, the beginning of “Halloween costumes”. And yes, this is still practiced today.


The ancient Druid practice was to circle the tribal Samhain bonfire with the skulls of their ancestors, who would protect the tribe from demons that night. To protect themselves, the villages and crops, Druid priests led the people in diabolical worship ceremonies in which horses, cats, black sheep, oxen, human beings and other offerings were rounded up, stuffed into wicker cages and burned to death. This was done to appease Samhain and keep the spirits from harming them. This is where the term bonfire came from- because those sacrificial fires were called “bone-fires”. And yes, this is still practiced today.


This is one old school chica who adores Charlie Brown’s Halloween special every year! Who can resist smiling at Linus’s devotion to the Great Pumpkin or feeling bad for Charlie Brown’s bad luck, “I got a rock” while his friends get candy going house to house for goodies? But where did the whole dressing up and asking for a treat instead of a treat come from?

To those who did not have cattle or were not able or willing to give up human life as an offering to this god, others would set out their sweetest foods, fruits, in a basket outside their door the night of the Vigil of Saman, as a gift or penance to the spirits in hopes of their household would be passed by (this is the “treat” part of “trick or treat”. The “trick part will be mentioned in a bit.)

The Druid people were deep occult practitioners. When they got together on these same pagan worship days, they would meet in a grove of trees or in a Druidic stone circle- the most famous surviving circle is located in Stonehenge, England. It is apparent that human sacrifice was common at this ancient Druid sacrificial circle because within three miles of this sight there are over 350 funeral mounds that contain the remnants of

countless human sacrifices.

Most of today’s Halloween’s customs are derived from the ancient Baal festivals.

Those who are familiar with the Bible know of Baal (which means “god”). He was an ancient Canaanite deity- mainly their god for the rain, thunder, fertility and agriculture. He is mentioned over 60 times in the Word of God, well known when God’s prophet Elijah came against the worshippers of Baal with the true power of God in the Book of 1 Kings.

To some reading this can say- where is your proof? Well, neither of us were there, but we can go by historical documentation (no, not Wikipedia or a pagan website or even a Christian blog- check out history in its rare form of the library and research). Even our Pilgrim forefathers knew well of Halloween’s occultic roots. In fact they banned celebrating Halloween in America. Halloween was not celebrated in the United States until 1845. At that time, thousands of Irish emigrants flooded into New York because of the Irish Potato Famine of 1845-46. They and quickly multiplied and brought with them the old Druid holiday of Halloween.


Nope. Nothing wrong with pumpkins! They are cute! And digging out those insides for seeds? Yum! But, when you decide to make a face and make a jack o’lantern, no matter if the face is evil or kind, know that the candlelit pumpkin derived from a turnip or skull, which served as a beacon as a signal to mark those farms and homes that were sympathetic to the Satanists and thus deserving of mercy when the terror of the night (Halloween) began.

Jack-O-Lanterns were named for a man called Jack, who in folklore, successfully attempted to trap the devil- then Jack only lets the devil go when he agrees never to take his soul. Therefore, Jack was doomed then not enter heaven or hell but was tricked to wander in darkness with his lantern until judgment day. With this in mind, people began to hollow out pumpkins and turnips, placing candles inside to scare evil spirits from their houses (and THIS is the “trick” part of the “trick or treat”)

So far we see that historically, Halloween is obviously completely a pagan, occultic worship day. There is NOTHING Christian about the day. And although Wal-Mart will have big candy sales and Target has adorable princess costumes, the dark practices of the true occultic roots are being practiced today. We may or may not agree with those deeds (evil, dark and odd) that were done, but by participating in the day’s activities itself, it’s like saying “to each their own- you celebrate it how you want, and I will how I want” therefore undermining what this day is all about.

The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light. - Rom 13:12

And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him. -Col 3:17

ALL SAINT’S DAY. ALL SOUL'S DAY. This is where some hone in on their religion to account for their participation in this holiday. Their church says its ok, so, it must be ok.

The United States was a Christian country. Our founding fathers had outlawed Halloween until 1845, when the Irish Potato Famine brought Scottish and Irish immigrants into the country, and they brought with them their culture and an old religion: Druidism.

Those residing did not like these traditions instituted, but, wanted to keep peace (and perhaps the religious institutes preferred to keep the tithing coming in?). So they sought to compromise. Church heads needed to come up with a conciliation of this holiday- their beliefs intertwined with a large majority of people’s customs. Enter in- All Saint’s Day. Their dilemma: How could the church of God give respect to pagan customs and death? Their answer: How about honoring saints who have passed on?! – Yes, that’s it! Hence, during the 8th century in the diocese of Rome, Pope Gregory III declared “All Saints Day” to November 1, officially making October 31 “All Hallows (Holy) Eve,” some say- all as a way of claiming the celebrative feast commemorating the martyrdom of the saints.

And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.

- Eph 5:11

REPROVE. Not change them. Not join them. Reprove means to Criticize. Correct. Disapprove. Refute.

FYI: Changing the name doesn't change the roots.

And if anyone wants to refute any claims, I received my information from reputable sources: Britannica,, Sacred Wicca,, National Geographic, and of course personal conversations with people involved with the occult as well as my own experiences.

History aside, you need to understand that Halloween is STILL an occult worship day. Example: The Maine State Prison allowed members of a witch coven (the Coven of Dawn) to hold a two-hour service on the feast day they call Samhain. “This is our time to give praise to our lord and lady for the bountiful harvest,” said the founder of the “goddess-oriented” coven. He said that 75 inmates have been initiated into the religion since its start in 1981. (This report is from Observations, 11/87 by way of the “What In The World!” information sheet) And again, I can confirm that the Wiccans I was close to, also spoke of some detail, some generalization, the beliefs and rituals of what they performed and how, on October 31st and November 1st. Although many satanists are untruthful (as per their creed) you will not hear truths of what truly takes place, but you can read up on members of the religion who have left and numerous children of members who have escaped will tell all. Wiccans hold this day special and sacred and for this they also will not unravel their rites and rituals openly. I can honestly say that these rites are by no means innocent fun, nor are they celebrating anything that is of God or good. So how can I in good conscience partake in a time derived from all this darkness? Eph 6:12 tells us all things are spiritual, and these ceremonials practiced by Wiccans and those alike, are OPENING EVIL SUPERNATURAL DOORS INTO OUR WORLD!


Do you know the Humane Society banned the distribution of black cats at this time of year due to the number of them that are sold for sacrificial and bizarre rite reasons? Some have begun to be a little more lenient, but this one I even checked out myself- calling locally. No, it's not a myth of urban legend. Ok, so we all know black cats are often associated with witches. There is a reason for this. Oddly enough, cats were feared by the Egyptians. And Druid priests believed that cats were once human beings, but reincarnated into felines as punishment for evil deeds. Because of this, they held cats sacred, and involved them in their idol worship of October 31st and November 1st. In time, medieval Europe decided black cats were the chosen victims in the belief that they were witches in disguise- and were burned on the day witched revered to their evil gods (aka Halloween).


Apples were used a many of ways as an ancient forms of divination (fortune telling). Bobbing for apples was a way to tell the future- the first person to bite an apple would be the first to marry in the coming year. What’s so wrong about this? Divination in any form is an abomination to God. In 43 AD, the Roman Empire fully controlled the Celtic people. As a result of this control, the idol worshipping Romans introduced yet another ceremony honoring their false gods- to honor of their goddess of fruit trees, Pomona, they would try to grasp fruit, floating in water, without the use of their hands.

Is bobbing for apples bad? No, absolutely not. It's actually sort of fun. But, in this context, should we maybe err on the side of caution? In the very least, it's just good to know where things derive from. I can tell you there is a very similar method to bobbing for apples that Wiccans use during this time for divination.

Deuteronomy 18:10 – There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch.

God cannot be any clearer. And I am truly sorry if some of this offends anyone. I am just writing this because I choose not to offend God by disregarding His Word.

I had a friend once say to me (after I explained why we don’t allow our kids to participate in Halloween activities) “I don’t get it- it’s not like the kids know the history or are celebrating anything bad. It’s all innocent fun.”

All true. However, I personally do not feel right partaking in those things knowing what I know. I explained it to her like this:

“If a serial killer down the street murdered my husband and went to jail, I still wouldn’t feel right allowing my kids to go to his house to play with his kids.” The killer’s children did nothing wrong, but I just don’t feel good knowing they are at the house where this man lived. And if his wife knew all along and did nothing about it...although she did not participate in the crime, I wouldn't hang out with her.

To me, that's what taking God's side on this is like.


I think we've all heard that label from one person or another- a grandmother, a neighbor, a kooky aunt... But do satanists have anything to do with Halloween?

Anton LaVey formed the Church of Satan in 1966 and wrote the "Satanic Bible" within a few years.

LaVey stipulated three holidays for his version of Satanism. The first and most important date is each Satanist's own birthday. It is, after all, a religion centered on the self, so it is understandable that this is the most significant day to a Satanist.

You don't have to be a satanist for your decisions to revere evil. One can be guilty by association.

In combination with those who genuinely participate in blood rituals and calling on spirits and "gods" and "goddesses"... That is all utilized by darkness. Many unclean spirits are called out, demonic authority given, dark powers and evil authority released in the supernatural at this time. And we will feel it in the physical at some point.

See, these traditions stem from dark roots. Participating in them is like saying nothing wrong ever happened and it's ok. And it's not. All the dark roots which these traditions stemmed cannot be overcast by lighthearted entertainment to me; just as placing a blanket over the root of a dandelion isn’t going to stop it from growing and spreading. The only way to kill a weed is to pluck it completely and throw it away.

On a positive note for this holiday… it’s a perfect time to talk of the battle between good and evil, light and dark.

There are so many fun Fall traditions and things to do at this time of year. I'm not trying to rain on anyone's parade, but just attemptong to broaden one's knowledge on this matter. Christians are called to witness to the lost- to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Halloween brings people who live in and accept darkness, to our doorstep. This is a great topic/reason to seize this opportunity for sharing one’s faith and the Word of God. Remember- the more light that shines on something, the less dark can reign.

Many people can’t absorb what I’m saying because they cannot get past not allowing their kids to get dressed up, go door to door and ask for candy in a -let’s be honest- very cool tradition. I get that! I raised 4 kids! Once my husband and I found out the truths behind this time, it was (to say the least) extremely difficult to change what we did as kids, and then as a family, for numerous years. Well, my kids got over it, accepted it, and lived to tell the tale.

Please know this isn’t some Christian doing her annual October rant. Being involved with the occult much of my life, working in the field of the paranormal for many years, I have dealt with all kinds of things- from homes with active hauntings to people traumatized by demonic forces. No, it’s not like you see in movies, but it is just as frightening. You don’t need a good script or special effects to keep you up at night- just listen to a four-year-old describe the claw marks made by the demons coming to them in their sleep or speak to a man shaking in tears who tells of dark shadows and whispers, while a candle flies off the mantle at you. I have seen way too many REAL scary, dark and demonic things to want to celebrate it, much less pay to get more. I have seen the fear and paranoia of professional working-class people and spiritual oppression of innocent children…. terrorized families and haunted teens. The subject of Halloween and all it represents- what we have made it: a vain holiday which sugar coats evil and ignorantly accepts celebrating darkness for a time, is not just wrong, but ridiculous to me. I do not judge anyone for liking Halloween or participating in it. Perhaps you haven’t experienced what I have and don’t feel the passion or disdain. I can be honest and say I feel strongly with contempt about the dark arts, but I have a right- I used to myself and have seen what comes along with it. I guess the question to me lies within more of whether you’re a Christian or not, why would you want to partake in such rooted evil? Such present darkness? I wonder what is inside the soul of one who revels in dark things? I know what was inside of me when I enjoyed dark things, and what came out of it. If nothing else, consider not to disregard the dark aspects of these practices as mere fantasy or superstition. It's said "ignorance is bliss". But we cannot be ignorant of the evil that spreads in the presence of ignorance. And through ignorance, many take part in something that is pagan in origin and substance, and breaks the commandments on idolatry… and not think twice about it. We cannot compromise with evil. The effects are heavy.

I guess it all comes down to this:

...whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. - Philippians 4:8

“This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth: But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.” -1 John 1:5-7

Being the reader of this blog, you may- or may not fully agree with me in my viewpoints. And that’s okay- I’m not writing to offend but to educate. But either way, you cannot deny the facts or what God's Word says. And you now have the information. What you do with it is completely your choice. Choose what you feel is best for you. Just choose wisely- with knowledge comes great responsibility, and we are all responsible for our own actions in the end (wow- do I sound like I just stole a handful of fortune cookies or what?)

I’m not seeking for you to love this blog or agree with me- I just wanted you to have the knowledge so you can make an educational and clear thought on the holiday of Halloween. There is no hate here. I can separate my love of people from what they choose to do that I may not agree with. I hope you can the same. I love ALL people. I only judge actions, not people. There is only one judge, and that is God.


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