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Examples of the Occult

*This post is a precursor to my other post, Darkness: The Desire, Deception and Dangers where it will get a little more into depth of the why the occult is dangerous.

Many times people confuse the term "occult" with a "cult". So, just to get that out of the way:

The Occult can be a noun, adjective or a verb- but all forms pertain to the same thing: the supernatural or supernatural powers.

The dictionary defines occult as anything “hidden, secret and mysterious, particularly pertaining to the supernatural.”

A cult is defined as "a particular system of religious worship with great honor to a person, ideal, or thing, manifested by a group of admirers."

I want to focus on the OCCULT. This is a term that categorizes many beliefs and acts the Bible warns against. This writer was heavily involved with the occult for over twenty years. I know the ins and outs of most of it. Thankfully I was brought out by the grace of God!

The Occult fits anything with esoteric supernatural beliefs and practices that fall outside the scope of organized religion and science. It embraces and surrounds phenomena involving otherworldly spirits, magic and mysticism. Terms such as "new age", "holistic", "alternative" and "spiritualist" often accompany it. As the world accumulates more people, the term becomes broader and reinvents itself a bit. But, when you really come down to it- most of it is witchcraft in God's eyes.

Please know I am not saying alternative means and holistic care for healing and lifestyle is bad- it's just a matter of who and where one puts their faith into.

Faith as small as a mustard seed
Matthew 17:20
Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” -Matthew 17:20

Jesus tells us that faith as small as a mustard seed can move mountains. Is your faith going into a perfect, loving, Holy God or no?

...or the dark principalities The danger lies in what you're opening yourself up to when you turn to other spirits than the Holy Spirit. Seeing as God does not work through spells, chants and rituals, seeking any means other than Jesus can nor through other

So although some of these practices seem harmless, we have to draw the line at where God says which acts are abominations. Calling on a name or using a tool or object is completely powerless- until you put your faith in them and action in that faith.

Below are examples of Occult practices, methods and tools. If you or someone you know is participating in occult practices, the best thing to do is stop, get rid of any and all items, and go to Jesus for forgiveness. Whether someone knowingly or unknowingly practiced the occult, there are some important things to do. The instructions are below the occult list.

It's important to know what is considered "the occult" by God:


the act of communicating with spirits or souls of the dead


anyone who is or associates with one who does spells or practice rooted in rituals, spiritual divinations with an intention to invoke, manipulate or manifest supernatural forces, beings, or entities in the natural world


​using supernatural means to explore and discover spiritually hidden things


​the practice of connecting to or associating with the dead for hidden knowledge

There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch. Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer. For all that do these things are an abomination unto the Lord -Deuteronomy 18:10-12

So what Occultic practices, methods, beliefs fall under those categories? Here's a vast list that's not limited to what you see:

Tarot Cards

​Tea leaf readings

Ouija Board

​Astral projecting


Automatic writing

​Pendulum readings


Casting spells

​Energy healing


​Spirit guides

Ghost hunting

​Speaking to spirits (including angels)


Kundalini (awakenings)

​Yoga practices (with mindfulness)


​Noetic science


​Remote viewing

​Universal consciousness

​Lucid dreaming




​Rune casting

​I Ching



​Aura readings

​Palm reading

Praying to saints

​Ghost box, EVP

Parapsychology, ESP

Blood rituals


Talking to spirits

*And unfortunately, there are so many more to put, I had to stop there. People are becoming more creative with how they're trying to tap into the supernatural. Don't forget to read the expansion of this post with an explanation as to the how and why the occult is dangerous > Darkness: The Desire, Deceit and Dangers which can be helpful in understanding for those who practice it.

I know some of the items on the list may get people in a tizzy. (Hey, don't shoot the messenger!)

But the terms are set by God and the practices above all fit into those categories of witchcraft. Supported by plenty of stories and verses, God views all forms of divination, spiritism, magick and necromancy as witchcraft. Don't think glamorized Bewitched, Charmed and Harry Potter, but understand the true nature of seeking unknown knowledge and manipulation of the natural is really denying our true Creator, and His adversary, the enemy of our soul, the devil, feeds off that.

Witchcraft is anything that uses supernatural means to obtain or shape something out of God's natural order. Period.

God doesn't care about our human labeling of "Black" magick, "white" magick, "angel" tarot cards or "angel spirit guides". It's cut and dry. No gray areas.

If you question any of these things on the list, just take it to God. I'm not anyone's judge or jury. I can only tell you what the Word of God states. I also can attest (from many years of firsthand experience in much of those on the list) that applying any of the things above to your life will certainly make way for another, and another, to another, and so forth. These practices open spiritual doors we cannot understand. The enemy of our soul runs with it. God forbids us from all forms of witchcraft because they are dangerous to us. And just one time (even if you're an innocent or ignorant bystander) can allow you to be spiritually afflicted.

Galatians 5:1 explains these things actually put us in heavy bondage (mentally, spiritually, and often physically). As a participator and teacher, I can corroborate that. What I thought liberated me and gave me abilities and enlightenment, actually were pathways to depression, mental illness, physical illnesses, sleep paralysis and addictions. And that is very common. Even years later people don't understand that occult-spiritual bridge.

And I think the most sobering verse is a flat-out warning in Galatians 5:20 that says:

those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.


When I was heavily involved in witchcraft, I came to find truth through an extraordinary and chilling supernatural event. I got myself into a Bible study to learn what I was missing- there were so many holes in my belief that were never filled. I started getting answers and God began to show Himself in a powerful way. I decided to get baptized as Mark 16:16 (and many others) state to do. Jesus was baptized as an adult to show us what to do (1 Peter 2:21 tells us Jesus was here as an example, that we should follow in his steps).

1 Peter 3:21 says, "and this water symbolizes baptism that now saves you also—not the removal of dirt from the body but the pledge of a clear conscience toward God. It saves you by the resurrection of Jesus Christ."

So my sins were washed away, and I had a clear conscience, but I was still under a curse of witchcraft. I fully believe it was a generational curse. I was still having physical pain and mental struggles. They were significantly less, but I was still being affected. I couldn't figure it out.

Through a flow of circumstances (obviously orchestrated by God so I could recognize and learn), I realized I was forgiven of what I'd done, but my family, and my ancestors were not. And their sins had allowed for a generational curse of that witchcraft to be upon me. I needed to renounce those actions specifically and ask the Lord to release me from those ties of bondage. I also asked for Him to forgive their sins as well, for they did not realize what they were doing.

Once I did this, everything changed. It was like a light went on in my mind. I felt lighter and I thought so clearly.

This is what we must do...

  • We must repent and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of our sins.

  • We need to turn away completely from our actions. (Like for me, this meant I had to rid my home of every single item used: my Tarot cards, my ruins, my Ouija board, my astrology charts, my Wiccan instruments, my new age charms, my psychic books, etc...)

  • We must ask Jesus to apply His blood to our heart, mind, body and soul, and to forgive anyone who has knowingly or unknowingly placed a curse on our life

  • And lastly, the most difficult part: Cutting ties with those in our life who continue to practice those things. (It was very hard and heart breaking to me when I had to walk away from people I cared about because they still chose to practice the occult, despite me telling them all this.) Association is a very real affect. People are divided into only two categories, those who belong to the world and its ruler, Satan, and those who belong to God (Acts 26:18). The righteous should choose his friends carefully, for the way of the wicked leads them astray" (Proverbs 12:26)

And 2 Corinthians 6:14 instructs us:

Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?

One must also ask Jesus to apply His blood to your life and

Look, let's be real... The unknown and mysteries and the supernatural are intriguing to we limited humans. This is why the occult fascinates and lures in many. Many factions appeal to our natural human curiosity. But there is nothing natural about what you're opening yourself up to. Cutting off that avenue of knowledge and power can be a chore at times, but being conscious of its dangers helps maintain the strength and will to do so. And no, not everyone is interested in these esoteric things, but, many are. There is an addiction to it. There is a supernatural tie I do not fully grasp, but the demonic principalities and powers are definitely at hand with that.

Many people who get involved in the occult begin with “harmless” practices such as seeing a psychic, watching a ghost hunting show, playing with a Ouija board... Many explore and most who have experimented with no ill intentions have found themselves getting deeper and deeper into occultic practices. This involvement is akin to quicksand—easy to get into and difficult to get out of. The strongholds are tight and the darkness is heavy.

As much as we strive for quick and easy answers, or to connect with something(one) beyond, our first and only choice needs to be to seek God.

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. - Matthew 6:33

Why? Simply put: Occult practices are controlled by demons, who offer just enough information to keep their victims intrigued, while exerting more and more control over gullible hearts and minds (1 Timothy 4:1).

And as always, if you ever have any questions regarding anything I write, please don't hesitate to reach out and ask.


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