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The Infamous Ouija- Spiritual Russian Roulette

OUIJA: The Mysterious Mystifying Game – that's what it reads on the box.

It's advertised as “a game” ...Well, Russian Roulette is considered a game, too, but I wouldn’t want to play it! Where do you sit on the subject? Is it just a silly game? Is it a spiritual gateway? Have you used one before? Had a crazy experience? Read on for some interesting facts and thoughts that may just expand your view.

Take note to the light hearted content.
Retro Ouija Board Ad

In my line of ministry, quite often I'm asked about Spirit boards, or Ouija boards (wee-juh; or also pronounced wee-jee). It's inquired what my take is on them- if they’re real, are they dangerous, do they always open spiritual doors, how they work, etc…

For those few of you who are unsure what a Ouija board is, it’s a device that people use in an attempt to speak to spirits and retrieve unknown answers to questions.

It consists of a large board marked with letters of the alphabet, the words “yes”, “no” and “goodbye”, as well as numbers 0-9 and a sun and moon. This board also has a separate piece called a planchette (a small, usually heart-shaped flat piece of wood that rests on the larger board). The people actively using the board will very softly (almost touchless) rest their fingertips on this device. Those playing will call upon the board or a spirit, seeking answers from it. In response, the spirit will answer the question through moving the planchette to each letter and spelling out the answer (or word, number or symbol). The planchette has a round hole in it so that the designated letter will be visible in the hole.

Now, those who say they're sensitive to the spiritual realm say the planchette is moved by a preternatural force. Unbelievers proclaim someone is moving the piece themselves. Some claim what's occurring is the ideomotor effect- which is a psychological phenomenon where a subject makes motions unconsciously. No matter what the case, most people who have used it have a story about the planchette moving on its own.

The phenomenon is how the “board” often "seems to know" answers to the unknown. This is why after all these years the board is still quite popular. Many say it's just fun and the element of the mystery is appealing; seeking the unknown and possibly tapping into something supernatural excites people. Call it a game or not, it's still used for the same purpose: drawing in spirits for answers. And that's dangerous. It's regularly used for séances, communicating with the dead and predicting the future. It's also become a bit of a fad, with different appearances, features and types to suit all ages, religions and genres- and that is just as dangerous, just as using sugar to cover up fentanyl will still make it deadly.

Ask around and you'll be bound to hear wild tales of Ouija board use... From accurately knowing hidden information to downright haunting activity. I have quite a few stories myself, which is in great part why I feel so strongly against using them.

There are also countless bizarre accounts of people attempting to get rid of the board and it mysteriously returning to the person despite being thrown away. I can attest to this as well. It's said the only way to truly be done with the board is to burn it. If you ever find yourself in possession of one, this is what I recommend, because it absolutely is a revolving door for demonic spirits. Obliterating the board will in the very least end the tool for other to call in unclean spirits. I don't take this subject lightly. My past experiences with the Ouija have me passionate enough to be about blogging about it.

How can this rectangular piece of wood be anything of concern? Read on.

The oldest known Ouija board- from 1890


This well-known talking board was first manufactured in the Unites States in 1890. Hasbro Inc. trademarked it in 1966 and still to this day markets and distributes the Ouija as part of its line of board games. However, this concept of speaking to the dead has been performed long before it was instituted into society. It's been documented that the Greek philosopher Pythagoras worked with a talking spirit board as early as 540 B.C. And the attempt of divination and speaking to spirits has been around since Biblical times.

Ouija boards came to more front and center attention in the nineteenth century when they were played as parlor games. A movement of modern spiritualism came to America in the mid-1800's when the most popular form of consulting spirits was a method called "table tilting". It was a type of séance in which people sit around a table, place their hands on it, speak to spirits and wait for table movement, tilting or rotations, using the table as a communicative tool for the dead. The board was a more compact way to transfer this activity.

Ouija precursor: Table tilting

People sometimes make their own talking spirit board through household items and creativity. I, myself was one. Some cut up pieces of paper with letters written on them, an upside glass on my kitchen table and away we go! But don't be misled: the board itself has no power, nor do the people who use it. It's in the faith. You see, no matter what the tool- it's the faith with action put into it that gives it effectiveness. Does it work every time? No. Do people really move the planchette? Yes, often. But it's the times when spirits are invoked that I'm worried about. It's like Russian Roulette- you never know where the bullet is. Is pulling the trigger worth the risk?

So many varieties of Spirit bords

This spirit communicating tool come in an array of ways; Whatever tickles your fancy, there are so many to choose from... The Ouija comes in pink for little girls, re-named “angel board” for the religious, evil images for the darker soul, online virtual fun for the cyber fan, artistic graphics for the art lover, and even other categories and models of “talking spirit boards” through different companies as well. Either way, it’s the same thing- a tool to communicate with the unliving. What people don't realize is, whether they are using this device believing in it or not, they are still engaging in a most serious undertaking.

For one, it is an act of divination (the practice of attempting to foretell future events or discover hidden knowledge by supernatural means). And the Bible is quite clear that this act is an abomination to God.

***When we’re talking supernatural, I always refer back to God. He is the ultimate authority, since he is the creator of all otherworldly and life in the natural. And there is a reason God tells us not to practice divination. It's an effective way for the physical world to invite in forces in which they have no facts about or power over. There are dark and evil forces out there, power and principalities that rule this world, and when we decide to open an unknown door, be cautioned as to what opens and comes out! And forewarning: Just because you stop seeking, doesn’t mean they stop coming!

"There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch. Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer. " - Deut 18:10-11

That isn't a very well-liked Scripture. People don't like to be called out for things they've done, nor told what not to do. They do, however, freely quote John 3:16 about God's gracious forgiving love- but they don't want to hear the Lord hates something we've done or enjoy doing. The Lord is trying to keep us safe!

2 Tim 3:16 tells us:

"All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness"



the practice of attempting to foretell future events or discover hidden knowledge by supernatural means


One who attempts to predict the future by supernatural means


Anyone who puts spells or curses on someone or something


Anyone who is or associates with one who does spells or practice rooted in rituals, spiritual divinations with an intention to invoke, manipulate or manifest supernatural forces, beings, or entities in the natural world


Any form of words spoken for enchantment or incantation of spirits to have an effect on someone or thing


anyone who communicates with spirits or souls of the dead


​Anyone who practices connecting to or associating with the dead for hidden knowledge

80's Ouija board ad
The Ouija Board sold as an innocent game

To Ouija or Not to Ouija. THAT is the Question.

Almost every adult I know has seen or used one at one time or another (usually at a friend’s, played in fun). I get mixed reactions, from “it didn’t work” to “it worked, but I think someone was moving the planchette” to “it totally worked and was so creepy”.

But let’s get one thing straight: It doesn’t matter if it was in fun; it doesn’t matter if your hands were on the planchette or not; it doesn’t matter if something spooky took place or not- ANY means of talking to/calling out, seeking out/communicating with spirits IS DANGERSOME. When we overestimate our knowledge and capabilities, and underestimate supernatural forces, we’re in for a rough ride!

The Waltons EP "The Ghost Story", 1974

My Story.

I remember I was just 3 years old, I saw an episode of The Waltons, where the kids used a Ouija board (with quite the terrifying outcome).

If you know what The Waltons is, you’d know this was very out of character for the wholesome family show. It also was a bit ahead of it's time for the eerie topic for the time period. But that episode entranced me! Yes, a three-year-old absorbed those images. The episode aired again at another time when I was a little older, and an interest began. I wanted that board, in spite of what haunting events happened in the show. It’s small things like that which lure our kids in (or even adults). The mystery is exciting and enticing, but the misunderstanding of what it is can be hazardous. What transpired with me and that board over the next several years is what horror movies are made up of. I entail some of it in my book, but way too much to put in a single post. But let's just say my faith in that board and spirits were what caused it to be effective. Jesus said if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, it can move a mountain. Well, I did have faith in that board and my "ability" to speak to spirits... and that's what opened up many dark doors for myself and others. It's not the board- but what you put into it.

There are so many different methods of divination. A Ouija board is just one way to communicate with otherworldly beings. There are tarot cards, automatic writing, ghost boxes, trances, and so much more. Many believe they're merely having fun, or innocently contacting a deceased loved one or helpful spirit, but there is no guarantee of what truly comes through. I personally do not believe any form of divination contacts the dead, but rather is a conduit for demons.

When you know things of demonic spirits like I do, you know they are experts in deceiving, and they have a goal to overtake someone's life. Due to many years of being involved with the occult, practicing divination (before I came to the Lord, mind you), researching those afflicted with spiritual oppression and studying the Word of God, I proclaim you are inviting demons into your home, your life and your children's lives.

I practiced the occult for many years and have researched it quite a lot. I personally used many tools and methods of speaking to spirits and divination. I once was an advocate for it, but knowing what I know now... Now I am an avid voice against this tool.

A poll I had ongoing for over 2 years showed that 85% of people, from ages 6-65, have used a Ouija board! A lot of people don’t know the little boy whom the movie The Exorcist was made about, had used one often with a relative. (And we all know his story!)

I, myself, began using a Ouija board when I was 7 years old! It was introduced to me through my babysitter. Along with this use, followed séances and levitation and gradually turned into much more. I can tell you with most certainty, that just as the Book of 1 Samuel tells us, invocating the dead IS possible! And there ARE repercussions that you do not want!

Witchcraft was a lot for a little girl to be presented with and partake in, and although I was scared, it kept drawing me back. It wasn’t long before I got my dad to buy me my own Ouija board. (Yes, my dad- who attended church and was a self-proclaimed Catholic). He didn’t know much about this “game”, nor did he really care- he thought it was merely a silly pastime. His lack of knowledge and absent parental care allowed a young child to have a toy of satan’s in her hands…and she would be his tool for many years to come! And she would teach others, and the web of wickedness and evil would continue under a disguise of a wholesome metaphysical term: “spirituality”.

Ouija Planchette party favors

Do you think the fruit that Eve ate was evil? No, it was fruit! Sweet. Colorful. Delicious. But it was deemed “forbidden” by God, and when she ate it, it altered the course of life forever! It wasn't the fruit or even the serpent that caused the curse- it was her obedience that was corrupted! She was told something had power but was dangerous, and not to partake of it… but she was lied to by the serpent, was tempted, and human nature wanted more… Major repercussions!

Just as using anything, or participating in everything that is connected to divination, predicting the future, spells, mind altering techniques, calling upon spirits or attempting to connect to them, seeking death or the dead in any way- all are detestable to God, as He states in Deut 18 . Those things are also deemed “forbidden” and we are commanded NOT to ensue in any of those beliefs or practices. Spiritual realities are quite real, whether we choose to believe them or not. Whether we like the rules or not, there are still effects to the actions.

We need to see that God was trying to protect Adam and Eve- prohibiting them from eating that fruit was because it would open spiritual doors and would take them from His Holy Presence. They would “surely die” (spiritually). The rules were for their protection! Just as God’s rules are for us!

Out of Ouija board use and other forms of divination, I have seen major illness (physical and mental), hauntings of crazy proportions, depression, suicide, self-harm, addictions, night terrors and violence.

Ouija board tattoo

My neighbor once heard me speaking against Ouija board use. She giggled and thought it humorous because she had just bought her kids one for Christmas! Now, to a lot of people, we would wonder WHY?! How dumb is that?! But just as with my dad- the problem begins with lack of knowledge. Society deems it a game, it's under the guise of the enemy of our soul, and people see nothing wrong with it. The second problem is then lack of belief. The third reason is no doubt lack of caring and pride.

The world calls the Ouija “a game” and is targeted for Ages 8 and up (as says the box). Some are pink and fu-fu for girls, or “angel boards” for the “spiritual soul”, and even the “plain Jane” ones for the “generic innocent game” look. And yes, some are downright eerie looking. But again, it isn't the fruit, it's not the board, it is the act behind it, and the effect OF it that is dangerous. It will call, it will beckon, and it will addict. People become obsessed with using it. And the image can be seen everywhere- from tattoos to nails to jewelry to party favors. A whim could turn into a hobby and turn to a passion.

My life in the occult took me to many avenues, and one was ghost hunting/paranormal investigating. I continue to research and study all aspects of the supernatural. In my 40+ years of being involved in this area, let me say that all the people who has issues with spirits/hauntings > 9 out of 10 had used a Ouija board or some type of divination- from psychics to Tarot cards, silly “urban legends” like “Bloody Mary” and such. And the 1 that didn’t attempt to communicate with spirits- someone in their family had. So, let common sense speak to you.

Most of my clientele are those who need help from spiritual afflictions. By the time they contact me they’ve already been distressed, burdened and tormented- with one common denominator.

So whether it's a Ouija board or similar method, steer clear from attempting to contact ant spirit, angel, spirit guide, saint, past relative, and so forth. We truly don't know what we're doing, or who we're really speaking to. It's not worth the risks. Creating health and harm to your life and body (or someone you love) is not worth it. Some things we are just not meant to know, and we should accept that and work with the things we do. I'd never tell someone to put a blindfold on and go walk down a busy highway. That's essentially what one is doing. Just because you think you know the area- you really don't know what's coming and going and can't protect yourself from something that has the power over you.

Do you agree with this article? You can help in this area by not being silent! Tell others in hopes they will protect themselves (and their children) from making a big mistake in using it and opening doors to a dark supernatural world, which is a lot easier to open than close.


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