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Taking Hollywood by Storm

That's God's storm, by the way.

The last year or so, I noticed a trend taking place in the secular world... it was a sudden boldness of the famed to speak their Christan faith. This particular woman was thrilled to notice and continue to enjoy watching it unfold.

I look back and see how the pioneer to this movement was a slow (yet steady) onset of popularity to the series, The Chosen. The 2021 crowdfunded multi-season series is about the life and ministry of Jesus of Nazareth. What I believe created the dedicated following was what also appealed to me: the portrayal of Jesus that deeply focused on the people who encountered Him and the viewing of Him through their eyes. It shows a tender and confident Savior who engages with people in a warm and understanding way, taking nothing from his power and plan. The show is personable, relatable and realistic. It also is backed financially by fans, which gave them a sense of ownership in goodness, an investment in something spiritual and positive. And it couldn't have come at a more opportune time (for the record- the timing is not a coincidence- this is all God's unfolding). The world's morals and values, and overall human compass of virtue has been off kilter. People are feeling it and longing for some hope and answers. It's in our nature to be lost and go astray... but our Holy Creator, the Great I AM made us with a soul... a soul that has a conscience.

As this series promoted conversations about Jesus and Biblical times, people were faced with some real questions on faith. The spark we certainly needed.

As God begins his outreach to those He calls, the world of course wants its piece of the pie and views this newfound interest in religion as a hot commodity. Quite sad, actually, but not surprising. The production companies 21st Century Fox, MGM, and Sony Pictures, have now each launched their own faith-based studios. But heck! If we can get more faith-based content out there- that's amazing! I can only pray its truth and not watered-down inaccuracies that teach falsities and lead people astray. Still, I trust the Lord will honor any pure desire seeking truth. Jeremiah 29:13 tells us when we seek the Lord with all our heart, it is then when we find Him.

There's a tremendously powerful movement toward Jesus right now. It makes me think of the fairly new film released this year on this very type of unfolding: "Jesus Revolution". It's based on a true story of late 1960's pastor Chuck Smith, follower Greg Laurie and Christian hippie Lonnie Frisbee as they took part in a move of God in California during the countercultural decade. Back then there was turmoil in social norms: drugs, dress, sexuality, civil rights, social order, precepts of military duty, and schooling... not much different than what's been going on in 2023. The only different was the sixties were lighter and more free, taking drugs to be enlightened. These days are much heavier and dark, where people take drugs to escape. This new way of life weighs heavy on society and that's what mental illness is at an all-time high. The numbers of suicide, drug use, violence, anxiety, depression and the like are astounding. We cannot keep going like this.

Enter in famed faces and known names to bring on the new Jesus revolution...but in these times, it won't come with just an angry push back, but with serious, hostile, life-altering opposition.

And so it begins.

I happen to be a fan of the acting prowess of Chris Pratt. He quickly speared to the top of the A-list when Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy came out in 2014. His superhero character made prominent appearances in like films via the Marvel Avengers saga and had continued success in other blockbusters such as the Jurassic World franchise. He utilized his fame to unapologetically proclaim his faith in God. It was well received by most... until it wasn't. As always, someone out there didn't like it, was offended, and anti-Christians began to bash Chris Pratt. His integrity and talent both were slammed. Discussions swirled regarding the appropriation of someone in the spotlight using a public format to testify one's love for Jesus Christ.

This was no surprise, seeing as those who love Christ, and the Word of God, are often hated.

"If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first." -JESUS, John 15:18

Up until the popular star's very public and solid proclamation of faith, the only major name who's been this open has been TV child actor Kirk Cameron, who managed to stay below the nay-sayers' radar due to his lower fame standing (stated for lack of better terms... forgive me Kirk, I disagree with that label, but am calling it as they see it, not me). His dauntless evangelistic videos and testimony on television and Christian films have been more or less dismissed by the entertainment business, perhaps because they felt his was ineffective? I know for myself, I was encouraged by his faith and willingness to use his name and testimony to reach others. He made a name for himself as a Christian advocate and among believers was well received. But then enter in a Hollywood A-lister like Chris Pratt... well, things started to move. More Christians started to come out of the woodwork; maybe some were always publicly open with their faith, but we just never noticed. I don't know. But then I started to see how others followed suit and began to be a little more blatant. But fast forward to today, 2023, and I'm seeing a brazen onset of acknowledgement of The Bible and Jesus Christ by famous people.

Candace Cameron Bure (Kirk Cameron's sister) gained popularity among women through the famous Hallmark Channel's beloved Christmas movies. She's as confident and forthright about her faith as her brother and become admired for her outspoken support of Scripture and godly living.

Around the same time Chris Pratt was gaining notoriety as an actor, the very famous pop megastar Justin Bieber turned his life over to God, sending shockwaves out to all. the change in lifestyle and lyrics was effortlessly welcomed by his fans and his conversion made a huge impact. He too, like Chris Pratt, took some heavy hits. Many even deemed his new positive outlook as coming from "joining a cult".

Shockingly, instead of people rooting on a young man who at a young age shot into stardom and the lifestyle of drugs, alcohol and sex, he was mocked and ridiculed. Again, only proving what the Holy Scriptures tell us:

"You will be hated by all because of My name, but the one who endures to the end, he will be saved." - JESUS, Mark 13:13

But by the very Grace of God this influential voice now speaks, Justin chugged through and continues to be a sound influence with his honest and frank faith in the Word of God.

"Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them." -Ephesians 5:11

Someone who has truly put that into practice is the incredible actor Denzel Washington. For quite some time been downright avowed with his belief in the Scriptures. He's even so much as called out society for their lack of morality and acceptance of sin. This actor is such a powerhouse of a name with great respect and prestige that no one has opted to touch his stance; however, his viewpoint and attitude has been widely undetected due to the medias obvious attempts to keep it undiscovered.

Matthew McCanaoughey is another huge name in Hollywood. As he chose to slowly fade from the glitter and glam spotlight, he was still able to maintain his golden fame because he's so adored by fans. But from his lifestyle to his projects to his personal appeals, he hasn't hidden his views in the Christian faith. And in actuality, his championing of it has seemed to make him even more loved.

Another heavy hitter in Hollywood is actor Mark Walburg, whose tough, grit as an actor carries over into his true personality- and his faith in God is right there with it. He has been unequivocally vocal about his Christianity and his family's move from the darkness of Hollywood. It began with a relocation from the star-studded California area to Nevada, where he subtly explained he just wanted his family "to have a better life." Already know as a religious person with high ethics and morals, Mark Wahlberg recently spoke out on the evil that has been lurking in Hollywood during a Sunday school meeting in Los Angeles. While highlighting the issue of sexual abuse inflicted by power-hungry people on young and ambitious women, the actor also mentioned the current issue of child trafficking in Hollywood.

Wahlberg further mentioned actors Jim Caviezel and Mel Gibson as being the heroes in the industry for raising awareness about the elitist’s taste for p*dophilia.

It seems that this new celebrity Christian movement has also spearheaded the campaign to expose darkness among those in power and position.

What's all that about?

Rewind to 2004, when the film, "Passion of the Christ" was released by big-name actor and director Mel Gibson. With runaway success in films such as Lethal Weapon and Braveheart (just to name a couple) he was a household name. So, his move to make a realistic historic film about the life, death and resurrection of Jesus was seen as an epic move. And epic it was! Mind you, this was at a time there was no public shame (much less opinion) of one's Christian faith. But the accolades for cinematography, acting and music were apparent with the 29 award wins and 24 nominations. In addition, it made over $600million worldwide and was internationally the fifth highest grossing film of the year... not to mention the highest grossing independent film of all time.

With that- don't tell me people aren't seeking faith and hope and purpose!

The film was praised, yes, but the praise truly started to go to God. It was incredible to see all those touched by the story of our Lord and Savior play out before our eyes. But when the movie shot to the top of the ranks, it was only allowed to enjoy that accomplishment a while...

Unfortunately, some did not take to that reception well. There was a conspicuous plan to demean the popular film (more like taint the concept or thwart truth, as I see it) when some in the Jewish sect started speaking out against the film's "racist" interpretation against Jews. A public statement was made that the movie was anti-Semitic, and many were offended by the fact they were being blamed for the crucifixion of Jesus. (Well, um- isn't that what happened?) What- are we supposed to re-write history so people aren't offended? With all due respect, that is pretty much what is happening in our present day and age, and it's appalling. But on the topic of this film, anyone who knows the Bible knows what took place, and it's not the fault of every Jewish person that Jesus was put to death, just as much as it's not every German's fault that millions of Jewish people were killed by the Reich of Hitler. The movie was depicting Scripture as it happened.

Following this small (but loud) religious outrage, the media blew it up and it turned into a personal attack on Mel Gibson. He was in turn blacklisted by Hollywood and things seemed to slowly tank for him. In a bizarre twist, two years later, Mel Gibson was arrested for driving while intoxicated and a looped Mel G was accused of spewing an anti-Semitic rant against the Jewish sheriff’s deputy who arrested him. Yikes. That didn't fare well for his case.

However, the movie stands and speaks for itself and is still highly acclaimed by countless people.

Years later, Mel Gibson started to climb his way back to acting and directing again, dissipating all the tainted blemishes with the help of time forgotten.

Who will rise up for me against the wicked? Who will take a stand for me against evildoers? -Psalm 94:16

A new movie, "Sound of Freedom", has been released, and it seems to be the latest battleground for the Christian - non-Christian/Moral concerned citizen-Powerful elite darkness culture war.

The movie's obstacles have created as much of a stir as the film, itself.

The movie is deemed a relentless pursuit of justice exposing the dark underbelly of global child trafficking. Oddly enough, no one wanted to support it and produce it. A very serious issue like child trafficking! Why is that?! Not even pro-youth Disney or trend topic seeking streaming services... In 2023 when a valiant cause is all the buzz, no one would support this true story. It sat five years without a bite.

But with the phenomenal outcome of the film so far (backed by independent production Christian company Angel Studios) the people spoke: they are longing for morality and justice.

In the shadow of the success, then somehow the movie's release got turned into a Christian/Right Wing vs. Non-Christian/Leftist issue.

Mel Gibson is a spoken supporter of the film. He even filmed a promotional push on social media encouraging people to see it.

This film is causing waves in Hollywood and speculation has begun about who among the elite also have ties to such heinous crimes. And in the wake of the film's release and unexpected popularity, a 1998 interview featuring Mel Gibson discussing his shock at the "evils of Hollywood" has gone viral. OF COURSE it has, seeing as he is currently making a part 2 to Passion of the Christ, and the resurrection of Jesus... who is played once again by Jim Caviezel (who, in coincidence is the lead in "Sound of Freedom"). And here we go again with bad mouthing, lies, and a campaign to tarnish anything that promotes good and blasts the elite.

* (Side note: I encourage you to look up the story behind the film"Sound of Freedom" and do research on what the big issue with it being told actually is.)

It starts with small fires and eventually will become a wildfire, and soon it will be out of control. We are teetering on the edge of the latter.

Stop loving the world and the things that are in the world. If anyone persists in loving the world, the Father’s love is not in him." -1 John 2:15

I write all this to say, the Word of God tells us we are in a spiritual war, and the battles will be fought by us in the physical. Do not gloss over the spiritual war taking place.

It's become so apparent to me... It looks as if a line is being drawn in this world, and sides are finally being taken; not that it always hasn't been that way, but the names and stories coming from the line is what is making it stand out. It's time for the darkness to be shut out by the light. It's time Christians become louder and drown out the brash ungodly voices.

It's as if there is a chess game being played between good and evil and pieces are being placed on the board. The game is about to begin. I want to make sure I'm on the winning side. And so do you.

I can tell you with all assuredly: God wins.


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